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  • Put the cloud to work with SCS

    No half measures. It's time to put an integrated security strategy in place to cloud computing to for business advantage

Clouds come in all shapes and sizes. They help power your business by enabling other digital technologies, such as social media, mobility, big data and advanced analytics.


At SCS, we do not view cloud in a vacuum. Rather, we see it as an enabler of your business goals. So, if you’re still talking about the cloud as something separate from your business rather than talking about solving your business challenges with the latest technologies, it’s time to change the conversation.

Talk to us. Isn’t it time for your business to be a true digital business with all the benefits that entails?



While companies are flocking in ever-increasing numbers to cloud's "everything-as-a-service" promise, a reliance on traditional, in-house IT systems and applications still exists.

What has emerged as a result is a complex hybrid technology landscape—one in which multiple emerging technologies must be assimilated with legacy systems.

To effectively move to and manage in this hybrid world, business leaders need deep knowledge and experience in both cloud and legacy technologies.


Moreover, they need the know-how, solutions, assets and implementation firepower to take optimal advantage of the unique opportunities that a hybrid model provides. Rarely do all of these skills and expertise exist in-house.

As growing numbers of organisations harness the low costs, elastic processing power and high flexibility of cloud-computing—and as more and more face the challenges of managing a hybrid-cloud environment—they will need the help of a trusted and highly skilled cloud player.



The world will spend the next decade, or longer, redesigning IT architecture to integrate the cloud and capture its benefits.

On the surface, the adoption of a hybrid approach may appear straightforward. But managing even a relatively simple hybrid environment can be an extraordinarily complex undertaking.

We are uniquely positioned to help organisations navigate cloud opportunities and challenges.

We bring a deep understanding of what is possible when legacy systems and cloud solutions coexist, and we have a clear vision of the digital future toward which this hybrid world is leading us.

We combine those insights with our industry knowledge to drive innovation and transform complex environments into high-performance engines.

Specifically, we help with the following: